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Batohy už dávno nejsou pouze sportovním doplňkem či nezbytným zavazadlem pro studenty. V dnešní době jsou stylové dámské batohy běžnou součástí módního světa a dají se nosit i k šatům, přičemž dokážou...
Rok 2023 byl pro značku PRM rokem zásadních změn a úspěchů, které upevnily její postavení na trhu luxusního streetwearu a high-fashion módy. Otevření prvního konceptu prodejny PRM ve Varšavě, v prestižní...
Připoj se k nám a SLEDUJ své OBLÍBENÉ BLOGY, piš PRO BLOGERKY, získej hodnotné dárky či pozvání na zajímavá setkání a buď součástí největšího dynamického obsahu. Stačí se jen zaregistrovat...
Dnes som sa rozhodla napísať krátku recenziu na jednu z mojich obľúbených značiek kozmetiky, Manna. Manna je prírodná kozmetika, ktorá ponúka rôzne mydlá, maslá, prírodné zubné pasty atď. Ich produkty sa vyrábajú ručne, a čo mne osobne sa veľmi páči, netestujú na zvieratách. Je teda...
Have you guys seen The Greatest Showman movie? It's a beautiful musical full of incredibly talented actors. The music was excellent, the cast, costumes were perfect. I loved everything about it. I definitely recommend you to watch it. It is an amazing movie for the whole family. I love the idea of...
Today, I decided to show you another outfit inspiration. It's my first Get The Look post on this blog. If you don't know what it is, it's a post where I show you someone's outfits and I will try to find similar clothes for less. This type of posts is my favorite. Sometimes, it takes a lot...
Today, I want to show you my pictures from Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon is one of the most beautiful canyons in the world. It was carved by the Colorado River in the state of Arizona. I've seen hundreds of very nice pictures from this place in calendars, as a computer wallpaper, but the reality is even...
This year is almost over, so it’s time to say goodbye and welcome new year in style. Today, I want to show you some outfit inspirations for this special night. ..... Tento rok je takmer na konci, takže je načase sa s ním rozlúčiť a štýlovo privítať nový. Dnes vám chcem pre inšpiráciu ukázať nejaké...
Christmas is here and I’m really excited. I think, it’s the most wonderful day of the year. I love that Christmas spirit, music and, of course, movies. I like the positivity most of them spreads and just watching some of them with your family is a great relax. I want to show you...
The winter semester is coming to an end and everyone gets a little stressed. What helps me deal with it? Music . I don't remember a day without it. Music calms me down, helps me think, dream, cheers me up. It's a cure for literally everything. Today, I want to show you my December playlist or,...
It's that season again, when we can't spend time outside more than two hours, because we turn to a walking icicle. Don't get me wrong, I love winter. Maybe, I'm weird but, I like cold seasons more than summer. Of course, it has its cons. We can't spend long evenings outside with friends and we know,...
Do you love fall like me? It's one of my favorite seasons. I love fall colors of nature and fashion and actually, I love everything about it. I want to show you very simple outfit but before that, I have to tell you a short story that happened to me. I've just found out that one guy who was chatting...
"You fall in love more than once. It will happen again. It will be just as amazing and extraordinary as the first time and maybe just as painful. But it'll happen again. I promise. But until then, be your own anchor." - Melissa McCall ...
Another day of our trip we spent in the Yosemite National Park. It's very calm and magical place. You can see beautiful watefalls and giant seqouia trees there. If you are lucky, some animals will join you for lunch. I could spent hours there. Just sitting and looking around. If you are a nature lover,...
Today, I prepared for you another post about our trip across the USA. We visited Death Valley National Park. Death Valley is home to the lowest point in North America (282 feet below sea level) . It is called Badwater Basin. I've never been to real desert so I felt like in a completely...
The school is back! After two months of freetime, entertainment and getting up late, we have to spend the whole day at school, do homeworks, and try to memorize milions of unusable informations. I don't want to disgust you at the beginning of the year, so let's talk about more interesting part and...
Today, I have something for lovers of cosmetics and animals. You don't have to be vegan or vegetarian and you can still do something good for animals. For example, you can try to use brands which are not testing products on animals. Recently, I've been trying to look for natural cosmetics and...
Last summer I made my dream come true and I visited the USA with my family. This country impressed me. It's so different and so beautiful. We spent two weeks there. We tried to see as much as we could and I would like to show you some pictures from every place we visited. Our first stop was...
Our favorite summer time is here and we can finally jump right into the summer holiday. Weather is really hot this year (maybe too much) so we are on a beach or somewhere around the water almost all day. It means you spend most of your time in swimsuit, but I'm pretty sure you still want to look...
What I used: pencil, pink colored pencil, photoshop texture ...
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