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Batohy už dávno nejsou pouze sportovním doplňkem či nezbytným zavazadlem pro studenty. V dnešní době jsou stylové dámské batohy běžnou součástí módního světa a dají se nosit i k šatům, přičemž dokážou...
Rok 2023 byl pro značku PRM rokem zásadních změn a úspěchů, které upevnily její postavení na trhu luxusního streetwearu a high-fashion módy. Otevření prvního konceptu prodejny PRM ve Varšavě, v prestižní...
Připoj se k nám a SLEDUJ své OBLÍBENÉ BLOGY, piš PRO BLOGERKY, získej hodnotné dárky či pozvání na zajímavá setkání a buď součástí největšího dynamického obsahu. Stačí se jen zaregistrovat...
Když jsem byla malá, tak jsme doma každý týden i společně s Audrey malovaly v našem ateliéru (tak jsme té místnosti říkaly) a maminka nám k tomu předčítala o různých umělcích a jejich tvorbě. Pamatuju si, že právě knížka o Henri Rousseauovi se spoustou obrázků byla moje nejoblíbenější. Asi mi byl...
Being bombed by tips on how to loose weight and by "bodygoals" (instagram can be used for better stuff, right?) and being interested in the subject of eating disorders (that don´t have enough space in media and elsewhere - opposite to the omnipresent warnings against obesity) I have decided...
Hi, our lovely readers! Today I would like to share with you two new designs that I worked on during the summer. I enjoy made to measure designing the most because I am able to create something original just for one customer. So it's important that I focus on her personality, style in which she feels...
Giant mountains, love and my new shirt by ARMEDANGELS . These are the motives of a today´s photo story. I can not express what I would want to about love and Giant mountains so I hope you will feel all tht from the pictures. And the shirt is from Etik butik (in addition to E-shop there...
Sustainable Fashion Day takes place in Kafka´s Birthplace this weekend September 3rd till 4th as a part of Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week . It offers ethical alternatives in the field of fashion and we just couldn´t have missed it with Pearl and my bf. Different brands and fashion...
As a lover of vintage fashion I was looking for some interesting shops in Rome. If this is also your case and you like non-profit projects as well then Via Cavour 102 in Rome is the place for you. A non-profit organisation Humana People to People (HPP) Italia ONLUS collects cloth through containers...
You know what annoys me a little bit? When you come back from a holiday and the only way how people judge how much you enjoyed it is how tan you are. Which is not a very good index in my case, because I have alabaster skin and I have SPF 50 on my skin the whole stay. I am certainly the most pale person...
Rome is one of the cities that never bores you whether you visit it for the first time or you keep coming back for instance for the eleventh time (like me and Pear). You probably already know the walk from Colosseo and Foro Romano to Musei Capitolini. If you are not afraid of walking you might...
Books that I really relax with must be those that are not anyhow related to any sort of obligation. Compulsory texts for my studies and books and articles from the fields that I need to know for school or work are often enjoyable for me but I found out that it is not relaxing. I am that obsessive...
Poslední dobou se stalo tolik úžasných věcí, že ani nevím, kde začít. Už vím! Začnu tím, jak se mi splnil dětský sen vrátit se do šedesátých let za Beatles. Pracovala jsem totiž na kostýmech Paula McCartneyho, když přijel do Prahy. Pak jsem shodou okolností a doufám, že i díky mojí pracovitosti,...
Krásný den, naše milé čtenářky a milí čtenáři! Dnes vám přinášíme malé poohlédnutí za prezentací mojí kolekce "What time is it?". A tak se můžete podívat alespoň na část onoho večera. To hlavní je na videu zachyceno: modely, modelky a jejich elegance. Co ale na videu neuvidíte, jsou emoce, které celým...
Sometimes people say (again) that we are a lost generation: we have our smart technologies separating us from the reality, we take drugs and care about nothing, create nothing. I don´t know about you but I think it is a big nonsense. I meet more and more often young people who work and work,...
Ležel přede mnou prázdný papír, tužka a nápad na novou kolekci. Chtěla jsem vytvořit něco, co nebude kopírovat neustálé střídání skinny jeans a zvonáčů, a pak mi to došlo, co si vzít inspiraci od někoho, kdo uměl oblékání nejlépe? Ano, od našich předků a přetvořit tak jednotlivé historické trendy...
I was interested in seeing the new Lindex collection so I had to go to its showroom garden party at least for a minute. The pieces have my preferred colors (white, navy blue, emerald) and their soul is an elegant lady but I think they are also quite wearable for a nice day look. Now I am trying to resist...
When Pearl and me were little we used to do figure skating. So we have decided to celebrate our birthdays (Pearl´s with half year delay) on ice. There was a dress code called "fairy tale dream" and we have enjoyed this night with couple of friends a lot under the Prague Žižkov Tower. The night was full...
We live in the world where we are able to talk in one sentence about new Starbucks Xmas cup and the attacks in Paris. And when I try to discuss the terrorist attacks with someone, they end up talking about profile pictures on Facebook and if you should change it to tricolour or not. That's why I am...
Inside I keep the feeling of one summer weekend where only the sun, the wind, the mountains, the field and sky existed - and us in between. I took his colours and brushes and sank into them with him. I didn´t care that I can´t really paint. It was the only thing in a long time with which I forgot about...
After weeks or may be even months (or ages?) of studying and working tasks we (me, Pearl, our parents and our other halfs) locked these assignments at home and got on a plane to Rome. This city always surprises us with something new (or really old): Picturesque streets with cafés where we...
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