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Batohy už dávno nejsou pouze sportovním doplňkem či nezbytným zavazadlem pro studenty. V dnešní době jsou stylové dámské batohy běžnou součástí módního světa a dají se nosit i k šatům, přičemž dokážou...
Rok 2023 byl pro značku PRM rokem zásadních změn a úspěchů, které upevnily její postavení na trhu luxusního streetwearu a high-fashion módy. Otevření prvního konceptu prodejny PRM ve Varšavě, v prestižní...
Připoj se k nám a SLEDUJ své OBLÍBENÉ BLOGY, piš PRO BLOGERKY, získej hodnotné dárky či pozvání na zajímavá setkání a buď součástí největšího dynamického obsahu. Stačí se jen zaregistrovat...
Je teprv konec listopadu a ve městě lásky už je zima. Většinou touhle dobou máme 10 stupňů a déšť, ale o víkendu už to bylo i na rukavice. 😮 Teda ten déšť samozřejmě taky nezklamal, jakmile jsem vyšla ven s foťákem, začalo pršet. 💁 Konečně jsem se dostala k nafocení nějakýho toho outfitu....
Miluju Halloween. Od t ý doby, co jsem viděla The Nightmare Before Christmas jako dítě, Halloween byl vždycky můj nejoblíbenější svátek. Díky obsesi na filmy Tima Burtona nebudu asi nikdy považována za zcela "normální". Vy, co jste na tom podobně, mě ale určitě víc než chápete....
Letos v létě jsem byla pozvaná na pařížskou svatbu. Tady to není jen tak, byly dokonce obřady dva. První, míň formalní na radnici Paris 18 a druhá totálně snová mega svatba na zámku v Bordeaux. Ve stresu z outfitu jsem byla už dost předem, jelikož jsem za prvé) neměla ponětí, co si vezmu na...
Po skoro 3 letech nastal čas opustit CITC a přesunout se na novou doménu. Chtěla jsem to udělat vlastně skoro celou dobu, ale nostalgie mi to nedovolovala. CITC jsem zakládala s Ivou, se kterou jsem se seznámila, když jsem se poprvé přestěhovala do Paříže. Iva pak odjela a CITC zůstalo...
Bordeaux was the last stop on our trip. I absolutely loved the city. I expected it to be nice, but it’s not only nice, it has a great atmosphere! After a long time I found myself in a city where I could imagine to live. Not long ago I watched a reportage on French TV […] The post Bordeaux...
In the end of Spring my parents came to see me in France and we went together with them and my bf for a trip to the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. It was absolutely spectacular! It’s so beautiful there. Wine yards & chateaux everywhere. Plus when you go to the ocean it takes your
I feel like every time I say – now I will blog more, it automatically sets me up for a blogging break. Sad, I know. 🙁 But I still have loads of photos for you & will post them eventually…maybe in 10 years, but still! Why does the time pass so fast? During those weeks […] The post...
Hello everyone! It’s been a while.. but there will be a lot of content on CITC blog these days again. Last weekend I went on trip to the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region & Bordeaux and will be sharing a high number of photos with you. It was simply a beautiful trip and I fell in love with Nouvelle-Aquitaine....
For this shoot we had literally 10 minutes. You can see how it turned out.. 😀 I think it’s the most chilled look in this blog’s history. Lately I’ve been admiring street style fashion and girls looking hot in hoodies. Well, I’m not quite sure that it works for me but it’s...
Last weekend I discovered a super cool place in Paris called Les Grands Voisins. If you live here or you are planning to visit and don’t want to stick just to the tourist classic, this is definitely worth the visit. Some online articles called this place “an utopian village inside Paris”...
In the previous post you might have noticed that I decided to cut my hair. The last time I made such big change was about 3 years ago. I remembered how lightheaded I felt after and wanted to experience it again. I’m quite happy about my decision and it feels fresh. When I went to the […]...
Last weekend was perfect! Let me share some pictures with you. I spent an amazing long weekend in a French countryside. The place was just magical. There isn’t anything better than getting into nature after weeks spent in busy Paris. One of the things I really miss here are green and oxygen....
Who buys leather pants for Spring? Me! 😀 It might not be the smartest move but there have still been some cold days when I could use them. I couldn’t hesitate because I finally found a pair which I’ve been looking for some time. This is the kind of look I feel the best in. […] ...
I’ve always had a thing for mixing pyjama items into daily wear. Especially since I saw Sex and the City and this Carrie’s look, I couldn’t get it out of my head! It’s been years but I still love it. It’s such a cool look. 😀 That’s why I felt like a won a jackpot...
I’ve been loving oversized pieces for years. I also admire kind of shapeless cuts. It’s quite hard to rock those out, so I’m always blown away when I see people wearing it with a good style. I know this dress is either to love or to hate. It’s completely shapeless. I decided...
Another very colourful outfit is here. 😀 I can’t help it but black is just the best! This is one of my favorite daily looks. I’ve always been a fan of sweatshirts with a white shirt underneath. I never have enough of these and believe the shirt collar makes it look much better. Lately...
As the title of this post says, it’s been totally freezing in Paris lately. The temperatures are not as low as Czech Republic but there is always a super strong wind here. You can see that it was not possible to get my hair into 1 place. 😀 I also wanted to show you the […] The post ...
Yes, it’s been a while! But I’m still alive. 🙂 As usual I should probably make an overlooking article about last year and talk about my plans for this year. In the meantime, let me share some of my most favorite looks from 2016. 2016 was a year of change for me. In the begging […]...
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