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Batohy už dávno nejsou pouze sportovním doplňkem či nezbytným zavazadlem pro studenty. V dnešní době jsou stylové dámské batohy běžnou součástí módního světa a dají se nosit i k šatům, přičemž dokážou...
Rok 2023 byl pro značku PRM rokem zásadních změn a úspěchů, které upevnily její postavení na trhu luxusního streetwearu a high-fashion módy. Otevření prvního konceptu prodejny PRM ve Varšavě, v prestižní...
Připoj se k nám a SLEDUJ své OBLÍBENÉ BLOGY, piš PRO BLOGERKY, získej hodnotné dárky či pozvání na zajímavá setkání a buď součástí největšího dynamického obsahu. Stačí se jen zaregistrovat...
I like to spend my Sundays like this. In addition to drinking three coffees nicely one after the other in the morning, I go for a walk of at least an hour with Mia, I create something here and there to blog when I have my creative moments and I do a home spa. I like to spend my Sundays...
Imagine the following situation, you go beautifully dressed to a date, you sit in a romantic restaurant with dimmed light, when suddenly… I have to tell you something. I met someone else. And the eyeshadows are gone. What a tragedy. A waterfall of tears. The eyeshadow is everywhere. On your cheeks,...
She knew she would not even write a comma, because she mainly came there to perceive the atmosphere, scents and energy of the fashion world and to let it all flow through her whole body and mind. She wanted to remember it. As long as possible. It was supposed to be a beautiful moment. It was supposed...
2 minutes read | 4 hours work and she placed a white satin bag of lavender in the hallway, so it will be the first thing her guests smelled at the first step in her rented apartment. If her home is to scent nice, if it is to scent pleasant, if it is to welcome people,...
and she placed a white satin bag of lavender in the hallway, so it will be the first thing her guests smelled at the first step in her rented apartment. If her home is to scent nice, if it is to scent pleasant, if it is to welcome people, then let Madamoiselle Lavande welcome the guests, she...
| 2 minute read | 2 hours work | Never again will one of those days return. As I slept on an air mattress, surrounded by cardboard boxes full of clothes, spread out around me. Because that was what I had left. What life gave me and what it wanted to give. Large windows without curtains....
and never again will one of those days return. As I slept on an air mattress, surrounded by cardboard boxes full of clothes, spread out around me. Because that was what I had left. What life gave me and what it wanted to give. Large windows without curtains. Like eyes staring into my frightened soul....
| 2 minute read | 2 hours work | Imagine, we have a kind of old school contract, a dress code of how to dress for work, but I like to break it. Daily. And I know I'm not alone in that. Sometimes it's boring in our office. I mean the fashion boredom. You can see all the...
Sometimes it’s boring in our office. I mean the fashion boredom. You can see all the shades of black, gray and white in it. To this little bit of blue. In order to relax a bit and recharge my energy, I compensate for boredom with cheerful outfits. Those that I enjoy. Imagine,...
| 3 minute read | 4 hours work | I wouldn't believe Leo's nose between his eyes. Because Leo was a good one when it came to math, and he could draw a Vitruvian man perfectly. He drew a perfection that doesn't even exist, but is geometrically functional. And from there it's...
I wouldn’t believe Leo’s nose between his eyes. Because Leo was a good one when it came to math, and he could draw a Vitruvian man perfectly. He drew a perfection that doesn’t even exist, b od one when it came to math, and he could draw a Vitruvian man perfectly. He drew a perfection...
| 2 minute read | 2 hours work | Take a shower, apply on the body and go to work or date or sleep or do what you exactly want to do. The feeling is amazing and unforgettable. The emulsion creates the feeling of the second skin. Beautiful and perfect. It is light as water, soft...
Take a shower, apply on the body and go to work or date or sleep or do what you exactly want to do. The feeling is amazing and unforgettable. The emulsion creates the feeling of the second skin. Beautiful and perfect. It is light as water, soft as oil and comfortable as your skin. Wear it. ...
| 2 minute read | 4 hours work | Sometimes I feel like I live in a photo studio and not in an apartment. Because I can't believe what goes on in here sometimes... Before I photographed and wrote this post, it was on Saturday, a little after 9 pm, and I nicely prepared the...
shhhshhhhhshh, bubbles in the bottle, and waits for the moment that someone will enjoy. Like me right after. The sun casts its last rays through my blinds during its golden hour until it goes out completely and leaves me again at the mercy of the moon. When Soda Now replaces other bubbles. Moet &...
| 3 minute read | 5 hours work | Someone once created a woman. And it wasn't Michelangelo. And he was no plastic surgeon. It wasn't even Coco. Karl didn't make it either. I embarked on a review of contouring body care from Sisley Paris. It definitely works. Because I believe...
And the emulsion smells like a walk in the woods. Like a real forest. No artificial park, but a Cypres hill and you carry, among other things, lavender, mandarins, rosemary, sage, and marjoram in a wooden wicker picnic basket. And somewhere there, you will have the picnic with lavender on a red and...
| 2 minute read | 3 hours work | I enjoy the fact that the serum is not greasy or heavy, but rather refreshing. Not only its gel consistency, but also its scent, is revitalizing. It is light on the skin and smells like fresh citrus. When applied the gel caviar changes immediately...
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