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Batohy už dávno nejsou pouze sportovním doplňkem či nezbytným zavazadlem pro studenty. V dnešní době jsou stylové dámské batohy běžnou součástí módního světa a dají se nosit i k šatům, přičemž dokážou...
Rok 2023 byl pro značku PRM rokem zásadních změn a úspěchů, které upevnily její postavení na trhu luxusního streetwearu a high-fashion módy. Otevření prvního konceptu prodejny PRM ve Varšavě, v prestižní...
Připoj se k nám a SLEDUJ své OBLÍBENÉ BLOGY, piš PRO BLOGERKY, získej hodnotné dárky či pozvání na zajímavá setkání a buď součástí největšího dynamického obsahu. Stačí se jen zaregistrovat...
The last post I have written was about me being unhinged. Right now it feels intensified. I want to write down about a man I met last weekend because I keep repeating it in my mind so I will not forget and it is driving me crazy. And also if I let it go, I can feel like myself again and stop obsessing...
I feel very unhinged. I went down the rabbit hole to find D. It feels like she just left/exited my life out of nowhere. I hope she is doing great, but it feels like the biggest heartbreak. I can not find our conversations because she deactivated her messenger/fcb. And I totally "stalked" her linked...
I currently live by myself, since the summer. My poetry is still unsuccessful in terms of being published/winning competitions. I have been hiding a lot. It is such a weird feeling because since I was a kid I have wanted to be seen, and understood. Maybe anonymously, but some of me was still...
Article Not sure how to feel. I have got lots of thoughts that I have not put on paper. Yet. Especially when I see "last seen an hour ago" while not replying for several weeks. Neglect and boundaries were crossed, I guess. My pride won´t let me write them and I hate that I crave...
It’s not that people want to get hurt again. It’s that they want to master a situation in which they felt helpless as children. Maybe this time, the unconscious imagines, I can go back and heal that wound from long ago by engaging with somebody familiar—but new. The only...
Female fans already feel the consequences of the silence surrounding her sexualisation, as the ripple effect empowers lurking incels in the fanbase to target anyone and everyone, dismissing and degrading us more and more every day. I’ve rewritten this multiple times, trying to soften my anger...
So, this weekend I was at home and got "When are you finally going on a diet?" from my aunt. My mother stopped doing that after I told her about my ED. I have struggled with weight for more years than I would like to admit. And it´s so fucking ironic, that this comment got me over my head with obsessing...
"This song hits different when you're in a dead relationship, where you both know there's no love anymore but you both stay because it's comfortable, and maybe you just don't care enough to leave. maybe there's something familiar about coming home...
It has been five years since I posted anything. I will probably use this as a form of a diary with a backup. Just last year I found out that my previous post have been deleted. Also, my first ever blogs from when I was a kid, had been wiped out by the platform. I still struggle with the concept...
For quite sometime I stopped with writing. I came to the conclusion that I was using this device for self therapy and obsessive criticism of myself and pitying my life. I associated my writing with my depressions and anxieties. I thought I could not write no more, because there is nothing to write...
Som po dlhom čase viac ako 7 hodín doma, dokonca som spala vo svojej posteli (zvyčajne zaspím na gauči). Prišla som včera o 14.00, lebo sme mali divadelnú skúšku, a potom sme mali ísť na večeru do Nitry, osláviť narodeniny starej mamy. Nakoniec z toho nebolo nič. Ani z divadla. Hráme úplne niečo iné,...
Sedím na pive. Postupne sa mi vybíja batéria aj na mobile, aj na notebooku. Pod nimi sa hojdajú nohy stola,bojím sa kresla, na ktorom sedím, môže sa totiž čoskoro rozpadnúť. Pri okne je zapnuté svetlo. Som tu sama. Očividne nikto v tomto čase nechodí na Pilsnera (ktorý mi aj tak nechutí, ale zaženie...
New wave girl by alica-banszka featuring a black tank Nuž, keďže sa mi sem nechtiac prihodil tento obrázok z polyvore (ok, som nešikovná!), tak pridám aj ten druhý. Aj vy ste na tom závislí? Poznám to už dlho a odolávala som statočne! No dnes je ten deň, kedy som zlyhala! ...
Prvotná inšpirácia na tento článok vznikla vďaka talentovanému nebloggerovi (škoda) Matúškovi, ktorého statusy vo mne podnecujú všetky múzy, nemúzy, mužov a iné zvláštne veci. (Keďže kým by sme sa prehrabávali všetkými mojimi guilty pleasures z iných oblastí asi pár rokov, postačí mi tentokrát...
1. Ed Sheeran, Praha a káva - Koncert super. Plakala som ako malé decko . Dominik sa mi smial (samozrejme, čo iného by mohol robiť) a aby som sa uchránila pred tým, než to povie každému, píšem to sem. S hrdosťou. Aby ste vedeli, že nie som robot a občas prejavujem viac emócií ako len sarkazmus...
Trvalo mi dlhý čas, kým som sa odvážila o tejto chorobe povedať komukoľvek, okrem mojich rodičov. Aj to iba preto, lebo už videli moju zdravotnú kartu. Nehovorí sa o tom ľahko, ale človek si zvykne. Odmalička som chodila po doktoroch, dermatológoch a aj tak sa toho neviem zbaviť. Mala som 3 roky, keď...
- Bratislava 2014 VII. bolo raz jedno dievča, ktoré tYkalo. Nie tak, ako hodiny tIkajú. Ona tykala násilne a tvrdo s ypsilonom. Bohužiaľ, iba na jednu noc, práve preto sme ju volali tYkárska štetka. Patrila medzi ženy, ktorým rastú fúzy. No namiesto...
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