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Batohy už dávno nejsou pouze sportovním doplňkem či nezbytným zavazadlem pro studenty. V dnešní době jsou stylové dámské batohy běžnou součástí módního světa a dají se nosit i k šatům, přičemž dokážou...
Rok 2023 byl pro značku PRM rokem zásadních změn a úspěchů, které upevnily její postavení na trhu luxusního streetwearu a high-fashion módy. Otevření prvního konceptu prodejny PRM ve Varšavě, v prestižní...
Připoj se k nám a SLEDUJ své OBLÍBENÉ BLOGY, piš PRO BLOGERKY, získej hodnotné dárky či pozvání na zajímavá setkání a buď součástí největšího dynamického obsahu. Stačí se jen zaregistrovat...
Heeey. There are least the first days :) all motivation and inspiration is here back and I am ready to work hard. Hope you are as happy as me) Believe in yourself and everything gonna be fine. It is the main rule. Unfortunately it is not the weather for new (more short, lol) clothes, so I...
It was really cooooooold weather last week but the sun was shining, so I decided to make some photos to show you my new coat, which I had mentioned before :) Middle time school break, small park around the school, best friend as a photographer and it is ready. Now you can see the result :) ...
Hey:) Okay, I will not say sorry for the biggest procrastination part of my life last months, but yes I AM SORRY, and will try to be a better bloger, aspecially because it is very important for me. I want to do things which I love. Really L O V E. BTW: Happy Valentine's Days...
Hi, I dont even know what to write, because I didnt do this for such a long time. I AM SO SORRY. I AM A LAZY PROCRASTINATOR. okay, not exactly. it was really hard time for me at school, at home, at private life.. but I really missed it. Missed to do something what I love the most. Also I have drowned...
Hi everybody. I am here again :) And today I want to tell you a bit about my new love. It is a new shoes. NIKE ROSHE RUN. I got them for my birthday, about month ago(thanks granny<1234) and I am wearing them almost every day. I like everything about them, maybe because Roshe Run is my fav model, but...
Hi everyone, like always I dont have enough time to write something ineresting or give you some advices, or show something interesting. I will tell you about my lifestyle. Last weeks I decided to try to eat more healthy, to do exercises, to keep my body fit and beauty(okay, 18, speed of methabolism...
Hi everyone. And I am so so so so sorry again for this big pause in my blogging( OMG, you cannot even imagine how much I miss this), I were abroad, where Internet was very slow and actually I didnt have time to write something( but I have made a lot of photos :D). My summer I spent in my hometown, where...
Hi! I am back :) Now I have much time and want to spend it here, with you, with activities which I love the most. Today, okay, already yesterday was incredibly hot, around 36-38 °C, terrible situation for people in metropole. Some of us went to the swimming pools, drove to country side, a flew to the...
Hi everyone) I am so sorry for this a little break, which I had these days. There was so much in my life, that I did not have time to go online, really. They were last school days, which I spent on a little tour with my class( there was no WIFI, I swear) These days were really amazing. Than we had...
Hi everyone. I were shopping yesterday and found some special things(will show you a bit later). Now it is a sale time, so you will always find something you need or don't. Shopping (for me)is a time on weekend, which I spend with my mum and have fun together. Let's start! It is a long time what I...
Hello! :) Today I want to speak with you about eyes and make up on them :)This post will be useful for girls who use eyeliners.( I hope so) It is already long time what I started to use eyeliners and since this time I have tried about 20-30 of them. I want to give you some tips what and how to use...
Okay, very original name for the post :) but i was watching Sex and the city and better idea didn't come to me. And yes I am in love with Carrie, her stores and of course with NYC. Maybe, you have already heard that there is also a serial calls Carrie's diaries❤❤❤ if not, that it is about young Carrie...
Hello everyone! Today post will be about shoes:) I finally find time(okay, it is not true, I am actually "learning" biology, but I am real procrastinator and would do it later. If I were a person who do everything before the time, it wouldn't be me. And my life wouldn't be mine. And maybe I wouldn't...
Hii:) This week started with incredible temperatures, like it was already 26 C at 7 o'clock and every morning I woke up with a smile on my face, even if I knew that there are million tests at school(the end of the year, only one word-hell), because what could be better than the perfect weather. I have...
Hi guys:) Today I want to show your smth new from my wardrobe. In some day summer MUST come, okay I wish it came as soon as possible, because I really need sun and hot weather. Of cause they are only feelings for now, when it will be incredibly hot, I will wish to be in Antarctic, typical me. What...
PS: This post will not be about fashion, but about a little bit motivation to be yourself(and inspiration to wear what you really, really like), doesn't matter how it looks like, important is that you are into it. Maybe sometimes ago I was less confident and wore more "#hipstermainstream" clothes,...
There are some great news for HM lovers! Next designer collaboration for H&M will be the Parisian house of Balmain. Oliver Roustening, Kendall Jenner and Jourdan Dunn showed first clothes from the collaboration at the Billboard Music Awards. "I want to talk to my generation: this is my main aim as...
Sometimes to be a hard worker (student) is advantageous :) At the weekend I got a perfect present from my mum - watches. I have worn watches for about 6 years( my first watches were SWATCHES with sakura print, really perfect one) and you know what? That is really addiction to wear them. Someone has...
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