24.04.2017 | GetTheLouk



Autor prozatím nenapsal žádný článek.

Můžeě si zatím prohlédnout články ostatních autorů, inspirovat se v módě či začít psát také články. Máš již svůj oblíbený blog, který sleduješ?


This blog was founded by Sue, a stylist, fashion and interior designer born in the revolutionary year of 1989. At that time the city of Prague was experiencing a great boom of underground culture which I grew up exploring, influenced by my family with art background.

Even though I still love the city of my origin which helped to make me the person I am today, love and sun brought me to Athens, Greece. So simly what u can see here is a adult kid living abroad and trying to enjoy and create a life somehow.

Because of my interest in various fields I decided to start a blog where I can expres myself without any limits and deal with all kinds of my interests and passions. This is the main reason for creating this project which is finally online after months of preparations.

Since I work full-time I am aware of the need to have a team of clever, talented and totally depraved people. I am very lucky to have people like this around me so I invited them to join me in this adventure. So apart from me, a mixed team of Czech and Greek people like Iris, Patra, Helenka, Nela,Vitek,Martin and Patrik will also contribute to this blog. Each of them has a great set of individual skills, whether it is art, fashion, design, graphics, photography etc. I hope we will proudly represent a diverse group of young people living in "dirty" Athens. We will deal with topics related to life in sunny Greece, i.e. visits to wonderful islands and interesting places, fashion trends, personal stories of young reprobates.

I invite you to share and join our „depraved society“ and I hope you enjoy our blog.

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